County Assessor

The County Assessor's Office

Stephanie Teague
County Assessor
In office since
Read Bio
Stephanie Teague
Stephanie Teague
County Assessor
Stephanie has worked as a Assessor Deputy for 28 years and has been the Official for 2 years
Debbie Yandell
1st Deputy
Debbie Yandell
Debbie Yandell
1st Deputy

The County Assessor is responsible for placing a fair cash value (market) on each property as of the tax date January 1 of each year. All property is the state of Oklahoma is taxable unless a federal or state law provides an exemption. We assess real, personal and public service properties. We provide exemptions such as Homestead, 100% Disabled Veterans Exemption, Senior Freeze, Mobile Home and Religious & Charitable. We have deadlines on certain exemptions so please check with our office for qualifications.
Once values are certified and approved by County Board of Equalization the assessment roll will be prepared for the tax roll for the County Treasurer for the collection of taxes process. The Assessor does not set your tax rate or collect taxes. Tax rates are set by County Excise Board depending on funding needed for units of government & schools allowed by law and to pay for bonds approved by voters for capitol improvements, education, libraries and school buildings. Our office undergoes compliance audits yearly by the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.